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The Great Ortodox Liturgy - The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
Golden Orthodox Liturgy - The Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom

Kolejne wydawnictwo pod dyr. Mihajlo Lazarević'a - najlepsza muzyka cerkiewna prosto z Czarnogóry!

Mihajlo Lazarević (1971) jest absolwentem Wydziału Muzyki na Akademii Sztuk Pięknych (Uniwersytet Novi Sad, Serbia) oraz Akademii Muzycznej w Cetinje (Czarnogóra). Jest także doktorem honoris causa Uniwersytetu w Belgradzie. Lazarević początkowo asystował dyrygentom chórów “Sonja Marinkovic” i “St. Stefan Decanski”, a w 1994 r. objął opiekę nad Towarzystwem „Jedinstvo”. Od 1997 r. pracował w Średniej Szkole Muzycznej w Kotorze (chór, dyrygentura, solfeż),  uczył również śpiewu kościelnego w seminarium "Świętego Piotra" w Cetinje.
W latach 2003-2007 brał udział w Festiwalu KotorArt Music, a od 2011 r. uczestniczył w projektach Music Centre w Czarnogórze, aktywnie nagrywa i publikuje płyty.

1. Traditional Serbian chant – Great Litany
2. fr. Žarko Srdić – Bless the Lord, o My Soul
3. Traditional Serbian chant – Small Litany
4. Serbian “Karlovci” chant, Mode II -  O, Only Begotten Son
5. Russian chant – Come, Let Us Worship
6. Serbian “Karlovci” chant, Mode VIII – Troparion to St Peter of Cetinje
7. “Moldavian” chant – Holy God
8. Traditional Serbian chant – Litany of Fervent Supplication
9. Traditional Serbian chant – Small Litany
10. Russian chant – Cherubic Hymn “Starosimonvskaya”
11. Traditional Serbian chant – Litany of Supplication, The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
12. The Creed
13. Russian “Diachovsky” chant – Mercy of Peace
14. Byzantine chant, XV c. – Axion Estin
15. Traditional Serbian chant – Litany of Supplication
16. Our Father
Traditional Serbian chant – One is holy
17. John Laskaris, XV c. – Aineite ton Kirion
Serbian “Karlovci” chant – Praise the Lord
18. Serbian “Karlovci” chant – Blessed is He Who Cometh in the Name of the Lord
19. Miodrag Govedarica – Body of Christ
20. Serbian “Karlovci” chant – We Have Seen the True Light, Let Our Mouths Be Filled With Thy Praise
21. Serbian “Karlovci” chant – Blessed Be the Name of the Lord
22. Glory… and now
23. Many Years

POSŁUCHAJ ---> https://muzykacyfrowa.pl/collection/the-great-ortodox-liturgy

The Seminary of Saint Peter of Cetinje is one of the secondary schools of Serbian Orthodox Church where young men are prepared for further education at the Seminary College in Belgrade as well as for serving as priests. The school was founded in 1863 and it is the oldest secondary school in Montenegro. The school was mostly open up to 1945. There was a school choir which performed at all important events in Montenegro at the time.
In 1992, after 47 years, the Seminary of Cetinje was established again. Soon after the school was re-established, students'  choir was founded, too. The choir regularly sings at all church services in Cetinje Monastery. They also perform at both religious and secular festivals and events  in Montenegro. The choir has communicated the beauty of church singing by performing  in many countries outside the borders of Montenegro- in Holy Land, Serbia, Russia, Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Albany, Hungary, Austria and Germany.
The conductor of the choir is deacon Mihajlo Lazarević (1971). He graduated from the Academy of Arts in Novi Sad, Serbia,  and then took his Master' s degree at the Music Academy of Cetinje, Montenegro, in the class of Darinka Matić- Marović. He also holds a honorary PhD of University of Europe.

He teaches at the Seminary of Cetinje and has conducted the school's choir since 1995.
He also teaches at Music School 'Vida Matjan' in Kotor. He is the conductor of the oldest choir in the Balkans: 'Jedinstvo' (Unity) from Kotor (since 1839).

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